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- Registration with the Ordre
To register with the French Board of architects you must fill out the application form attached.
This form has to be returned to the Conseil régional de l'Ordre where you are established.
Download the files on the right.
Although not registered by the Ordre, the architect who wishes to practice in France, on a temporary and occasional basis, shall submit a declaration to the Conseil Régional of the Ordre in the region where the first project is located.
>> Download the Dossier d'enregistrement d'une prestation de services (Professional Services Register)
To be recorded, this declaration should be accompanied by a file that includes for the first project, the following documents:
1) A written statement by the applicant of his/her intention to provide a professional service;
2) A certificate, less than three months old, that proves the applicant has taken out insurance against professional civil liability as required under French law. Download insurance certificate templates that comply with French requirements, translated into all languages of the European Union;
3) A copy of degrees, diplomas or other qualifications that allow to practice as an architect in France;
4) A copy of the statement certifying that the applicant is legally practicing in another Member State of the European Community or of the European Economic Area Agreement that confirms the character and good standing of the applicant;
5) A copy of a valid identity document.
This declaration shall be renewed once a year if the architect intends to provide temporary or occasional services in France during the current year. In this case, the s/he only provides the documents mentioned in 1) and 2) here above.
Documents must be written in French by a qualified translator and can not be dated more than a year ago.
The architect is subject to the Code of Professional Conduct that architects registered by the Ordre have to respect and any breech can be brought before the Chambre Régionale de Discipline.
For more information, contact the International Service of the Conseil National de l'Ordre des Architectes.
A foreign architect who is not a national of an European Union Member State may, without regional registration, be authorized by decree of the Minister responsible for architecture, after consultation with the Conseil National de l'Ordre des Architectes, to undertake a specific project in France.
The authorization application submitted to the Conseil National must include the following documents:
1) A copy of his/her degree, diploma or other professional qualification;
2) A statement of the specific project containing the following information:
- location
- name and address of the client
- estimated time to complete the project
- contract sum
3) If applicable, the document confirming the competition award of which s/he was the winner;
4) A certificate to prove that the applicant has taken out professional liability insurance as required under French law; and
5) A copy of a valid identity document.
The application is forwarded by the Conseil National, with its opinion, to the Minister responsible for architecture who issues a decree.
Thereby, the authorized architect is subject to the Code of Professional Conduct of the Ordre that binds registered architects and, if breeched, can be brought before the Chambre Régionale de Discipline.
ARCHITECTE ou société d’architecture